Welcome to A Garden Variety Blog!

Although my neighbors are all barbarians,
And you, you are a thousand miles away,
There are always two cups on my table.
--Tang Dynasty

I hope you, whomever you are,
will sit down "with" me for tea,
or flavored coffee or spiced cider,
and have a garden variety chat.
Now and then.
I am not so consistant about blogging
as I ought to be.
I *am* consistant about
drinking hot beverage
and the coffee/tea is always on the hob.

Come on in!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Continued Falling Up

Well, the blog evidently couldn't accept all my pictures at once so I'll try posting the few that were missed in this one.

The rest of the Dining Room...

In the bedroom I just do a fall quilt. This one is actually a tan background, not nearly this white.

In the bathrooms the only thing I do is add fall soap dispensers. I couldn't find any this year. So I put a fake leaf in my clear ones and it turned out nice.

Our towels and accessories are blue and the bathroom theme is light houses because this pleases dh, and I like him happy. So I don't really fall up in there or in the bedroom (also in blues and off whites).

I've cut WAY back on decorations. Now all my autumn stuff fits in 1 storage tub. Some of you will think I still do too much. Some of you will think I do too little. Some will think I don't know how to decorate! LOL!