Welcome to A Garden Variety Blog!

Although my neighbors are all barbarians,
And you, you are a thousand miles away,
There are always two cups on my table.
--Tang Dynasty

I hope you, whomever you are,
will sit down "with" me for tea,
or flavored coffee or spiced cider,
and have a garden variety chat.
Now and then.
I am not so consistant about blogging
as I ought to be.
I *am* consistant about
drinking hot beverage
and the coffee/tea is always on the hob.

Come on in!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Musings on a baby dedication service

Open Letter to Martha, Lloyd, Ruby and Ed:

You are not likely to be watching or listening.

If heavenly ways follow the pattern you followed in life on earth,

Lloyd is in the woods,

Martha in the kitchen,

Ruby in the garden,

and Ed in the library.

There may be no window looking out on us four, where you are. But I NEED to say -


The baby girls you stood with in dedication to the Lord, stand now before you and before all the great host of witnesses!

They are grown!

They are faithful!

They carry on, beyond any dream you or I could have dreamt for them.
I wish we could all have a party and celebrate.