Welcome to A Garden Variety Blog!

Although my neighbors are all barbarians,
And you, you are a thousand miles away,
There are always two cups on my table.
--Tang Dynasty

I hope you, whomever you are,
will sit down "with" me for tea,
or flavored coffee or spiced cider,
and have a garden variety chat.
Now and then.
I am not so consistant about blogging
as I ought to be.
I *am* consistant about
drinking hot beverage
and the coffee/tea is always on the hob.

Come on in!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Sweet Success!

This is my amaryllis saga. Every year I get one and it finally blooms sometime in January!

I got advice, here at Dave's Garden http://davesgarden.com/, to put the potted bulb on a heating pad. I did that and also added extra light. Here I am just before Christmas (As I've always wanted) with a $2 unmarked Walmart bulb!