I *am* decluttering my basement though. Usually this is invigorating and cleansing for me, but the work I did today has left me a bit troubled and regretful.
I cleaned out the sewing pattern drawer. It is now much less than half full. I kept around 20% and boxed 80% to send to Goodwill next week.
Maybe 30% of the patterns I owned were the wrong size or the wrong style for anyone. About 10% were old patterns that belonged to my mom, or old decorating patterns that are very very outdated.
The rest were patterns I had purchased, of children's dresses, most either matching styles for Carrie and Crystal or matching mother/daughter patterns. I used only 1 of them. All those years, all that time.......

But, then again, they always had more clothing than they needed, most purchased by a doting gramma who loved to shop. By the time the grammas were not loading them down with stuff anymore, they were upper elementary or teen age, and did not WANT anything home made!
And now? Well, Carrie wears jeans and tee shirts or heavy flannel shirts, which I couldn't make anyway.
Crystal wears Police Tactical Gear and Hasmat boots. I...uhhhhhh...can't make those!
So, why am I feeling regrets? LOL! I have raised two girls who learned to know what they love, and to do it with all their hearts. No complaints from me. No more regrets!