Welcome to A Garden Variety Blog!

Although my neighbors are all barbarians,
And you, you are a thousand miles away,
There are always two cups on my table.
--Tang Dynasty

I hope you, whomever you are,
will sit down "with" me for tea,
or flavored coffee or spiced cider,
and have a garden variety chat.
Now and then.
I am not so consistant about blogging
as I ought to be.
I *am* consistant about
drinking hot beverage
and the coffee/tea is always on the hob.

Come on in!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lost Time

For the last four months I have been "jumping on the beds", thinking that retirement was the same thing as "being done", not realising that because I was saying "I'm done!" I was also saying "I won't!" to any new responsibilities!

Today my eyes and my heart were opened by a message from a missionary. He eskewed the "wild bear/dangerous snake" stories, to concentrate on his own life, his goals to "do right" and "finish well". He is near his "finish line" but does not think of being done; rather he thinks of going from task to task, of doing each "well" and then going on to the next.

What was I thinking?

What if it were my finish line today, and I was still jumping on the bed? Would I hear "Well done!" or "Not done!"?

So, here I am huffing and puffing my way back to the path, going *back* to where I'm supposed to be doing the right thing, when I should have been all the while going *forward* to it!

I am not yet sure of the details, the "particulars", but I know in general the next task.

I should be writing.

I should be writing for others, not for myself.

I should be writing with purpose, rather than for fun or profit.

It isn't about me.